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01/11/23, 12:00

SolasCure Awarded Prestigious European Innovation Council’s Accelerator Grant

SolasCure, a Cambridge-based biotech company committed to addressing the pressing issue of inadequate debridement solutions for chronic wounds, has been selected to receive European Innovation Council (EIC) funding. This will enable their team to further develop its ground-breaking technology, Aurase Wound Gel, which contains a recombinant enzyme cloned from maggots.

The highly competitive grant received 648 submissions from a range of companies across Europe. SolasCure is honoured to be one of the final 47 companies, of which three are based in the UK, that will collectively receive nearly €350 million of funding.

Receipt of this grant is a significant recognition of SolasCure’s proprietary technology that aims to leverage biomimicry and evidence-based medicine to revolutionise chronic wound care.

SolasCure is extremely honoured to receive this prestigious grant and that the EIC recognises the positive impact that SolasCure’s innovative technology will have on the lives of millions of patients suffering from chronic wounds without adequate solutions. This grant will propel the ongoing development of Aurase Wound Gel.

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